
D F 1
E X 7
E X 8
E X 9
Recall Defaults
Minimum Code Length for All Code Types
The minimum number of characters in the
bar codes that will be scanned should be Minimum 1 Character
specified by scanning one of the following
bar codes. For example, when the minimum
is 3, the scanner will not scan bar codes that
has less than 3 characters.
** Minimum 3 Characters
Minimum 6 Characters
Code Length Minimum Feature
A custom minimum character length can Set minimum
be configured for non-UPC/EAN type bar
character length
codes. Scan RBA followed by the digits
in the RB0-RB9 range (on page 55) that
match the 3 digit decimal number for the
minimum. (e.g. RBA, RB0, RB1, RB6 for
a 16 character minimum) The scanner will
not scan codes with fewer than the con-
figured minimum of characters.
A custom character lock length can be con- Set character
figured for non-UPC/EAN type bar codes. lock length
Scan RBB followed by the digits in the
RB0-RB9 range that match the 3 digit dec-
imal number for the lock length. (e.g. RBB,
RB0, RB1, RB2 for a 12 character lock
length) The scanner will only scan bar codes
with the number of characters that match the
configured lock length.