Light Source: Visible Laser Diode (VLD) @ 650 nm
Normal Depth of Field:
20 mm - 202 mm
(.75"- 8.75")
0.33 mm (13 mil)
bar code
Width of Scan Field: 290mm (11.4”) @ 222 mm (8.75”)
Scan Speed: 100 scan lines per second
No. of Scan Lines: 1
Min Bar Width: 0.127 mm (5.0 mil)
Decode Capability:
All standard 1-D bar codes including RSS-14,
RSS-Expanded, and RSS-14 Limited
Print Contrast: 35% minimum reflectance difference
No. Characters Read:
Up to 80 data characters
Maximum number will vary based on symbology and density.
Beeper Operation: 7 tones or no beep
CPU: 16-bit CMOS, low power consumption
Program Memory: 1 MB Flash ROM
Data Memory: 2 MB SRAM
Display: LCD 100 x 64 pixels, back-lit
Display Resolution: 8 lines x 16 Characters (max), 4 Lines x 12 characters (min)
Bluetooth Version: 1.2
Bluetooth Profiles: Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Profile(BNEP), Serial Port Profile (SPP)
Communication (Unit): IrDA, CradleIR or Bluetooth (modem optional)
Communication (Cradle): RS232 or USB
Application Development: Windows-based Optmizer; optional C & BASIC compilers