The main parts of the cradle includes:
a) Blue LED
The blue LED indicates the “connecting” status of the cradle with the scanner.
When the Bluetooth connection breaks, the blue LED will flash. A single flash
of the blue LED indicates data has been received from the scanner.
b) Wall Mount Hook
In applications where wall mount becomes necessary for the cradle, the hook
will secure the scanner into place.
c) Page Button
The page button is located at the rear of the cradle. When the scanner
associated with the cradle can not be found, press the page button; the
scanner will begin beeping and the blue and amber LEDs will flash
alternatively. To discontinue paging the scanner, press the page button again.
d) Charge Contactor
The cradle supplies power to the scanner through the charge contactors.
When the cradle is powered up, do NOT short the two charge contactors with
metal objects. This will result in damaging the cradle.
b. Wall Mount Hook
c. Page Button
a. Blue LED
d. Charge Contactor