Routing Two Inputs to Four Outputs Each
To route two Channel Inputs to four Channel Outputs each:
1. Set the Link 4 switch to OFF and all other Link switches
to ON.
Routing Eight Inputs to Eight Separate Outputs
To route eight Channel Inputs to eight separate Channel
■ Set all Link switches to OFF.
Input Impedance for Linked Channel Inputs
When a Link switch is enabled, the Channel Input’s unbuf-
fered source signal is transmitted in parallel to each linked
Channel Output. This causes the Channel Input’s imped-
ance (normally 10 kOhms for one MM-10XP) to be reduced
for each linked output. For example:
■ 1 Channel Output, 10 kOhm input impedance
■ 2 Channel Outputs, 5 kOhm input impedance
■ 4 Channel Outputs, 2500 ohms input impedance
■ 8 Channel Outputs, 1250 ohms input impedance
To avoid distortion when linking Channel Inputs, make sure
the source device can drive the total load impedance of the
linked MM-10XP subwoofers. The source device must be
capable of delivering a minimum of 16 dBV (6.3 V rms into
600 ohms) to yield the maximum peak SPL over the operat-
ing bandwidth of the subwoofer.
NOTE: Most source devices are capable of
driving loads no smaller than 10 times their
output impedance. To drive eight MM-10XPs linked
from a single Channel Input, the source device should
have an output impedance of approximately
100 ohms or less.
Channel Outputs
The MPS-488HP’s eight Channel Outputs deliver DC power
(48 V DC) and balanced audio to up to eight MM-10XPs. The
channel outputs can be equipped with either Phoenix 5-pin
male connectors (on the MPS-488HPp model) or EN3 5-pin
male connectors (on the MPS-488HPe model).
NOTE: For information on MM-10XP cable
requirements, see “MM-10XP Current Draw
and Cable Requirements” on page 13. For informa-
tion on cables and cable accessories available from
Meyer Sound, see Appendix A, “MM-10 Accesso-
ries.” For information on cable assembly, see
Appendix C, “Phoenix and EN3 Cable Assembly.”
TIP: A single composite cable (such as Belden
1502) wired for both DC power and balanced
audio can be used to connect MM-10XPs to Channel
CAUTION: When wiring cable connections for
the MPS-488HP channel outputs, it is
extremely important that each pin in the connector is
wired correctly. Make sure the 48 V DC from the
MPS-488HP is wired directly (and only) to the 48 V
DC pins on the MM-10XP connector, and that the
polarity is observed (negative to negative, positive to
positive) to avoid damage to the subwoofer. In addi-
tion, make sure the audio pins are wired correctly;
polarity reversals for audio signals will affect system
Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4 Link 5 Link 6 Link 7
On On On Off On On On
Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4 Link 5 Link 6 Link 7
Off Off Off Off Off Off Off