Multicast Routing
• Trigger Hello Interval – Configures the maximum time before transmitting a
triggered PIM hello message after the router is rebooted or PIM is enabled on an
interface. (Range: 1-65535 seconds; Default: 5)
- When a router first starts or PIM is enabled on an interface, the hello-interval is
set to random value between 0 and the Trigger Hello Interval. This prevents
synchronization of Hello messages on multi-access links if multiple routers are
powered on simultaneously.
- Also, if a Hello message is received from a new neighbor, the receiving router
will send its own Hello message after a random delay between 0 and the Trigger
Hello Interval.
• Prune Holdtime – Configures of the hold time for the prune state. The multicast
interface that first receives a multicast stream from a particular source forwards this
traffic to all other PIM interfaces on the router. If there are no requesting groups on
that interface, the leaf node sends a prune message upstream and enters a prune
state for this multicast stream. The prune state is maintained until the prune
holdtime timer expires or a graft message is received for the forwarding entry.
(Range: 1-65535 seconds; Default: 210)
• Graft Retry Interval – Configures the time to wait for a graft acknowledgement
before resending a graft. A graft message is sent by a router to cancel a prune
state. When a router receives a graft message, it must respond with an graft
acknowledgement message. If this acknowledgement message is lost, the router
that sent the graft message will resend it a maximum number of times as defined
by Max Graft Retries. (Range: 1-65535 seconds; Default: 3)
• Max Graft Retries – Configures the maximum number of times to resend a graft
message if it has not been acknowledged. (Range: 1-65535; Default: 2)