IP Routing
Displaying RIP Information and Statistics
You can display basic information about the current global configuration settings for
RIP, statistics about route changes and queries, information about the interfaces on
this router that are using RIP, and information about known RIP peer devices.
Table 3-22 RIP Information and Statistics
Parameter Description
RIP Routing Process Indicates if RIP has been enabled or disabled.
Update Time in Seconds The interval at which RIP advertises known route information.
(Default: 30 seconds)
Number of Route Changes Number of times routing information has changed.
Number of Queries Number of router database queries received by this router.
Interface Information
Interface IP address of the interface.
SendMode RIP version sent on this interface (none, RIPv1, RIPv2, rip1Compatible).
ReceiveMode RIP version received on this interface (none, RIPv1, RIPv2, RIPv1Orv2).
InstabilityPreventing Shows if split-horizon, poison-reverse, or no instability prevention method
is in use.
AuthType Shows if authentication is set to simple password or none.
RcvBadPackets Number of bad RIP packets received.
RcvBadRoutes Number of bad routes received.
SendUpdates Number of route changes.
Peer Information
PeerAddress IP address of a neighboring RIP router.
UpdateTime Last time a route update was received from this peer.
Version Whether RIPv1 or RIPv2 packets were received from this peer.
RcvBadPackets Number of bad RIP packets received from this peer.
RcvBadRoutes Number of bad routes received from this peer.