Chapter 1: Introduction 3
Full-duplex mode allows your
network to transmit and
receive data simultaneously.
Half-duplex communication
is one-way.
Light Condition Status
Power On The switch is receiving power.
Speed On The port is transmitting or receiving packets
at 100 megabits per second (Mbps).
Off The port is transmitting or receiving packets
at 10 Mbps.
Link/Activity On The port has established a connection
with a network device.
Off The port has not established a connection
with a network device.
Blinking The port is transmitting or receiving data.
Full-Duplex On The port is operating in full-duplex mode,
allowing all devices to transmit and
receive data.
Off The port is running in half-duplex mode,
allowing one device to transmit at a time.
(Back View)
Five Ethernet ports, which correspond to the status
indicator lights on the front of the Switch
The switch is powered by an AC power adapter. The design of the
switch allows Ethernet cables to be connected to and disconnected
from the switch without interrupting the activity on existing cables.
You do not need to unplug the power cord from the switch to
change your network configuration.
corresponds to one of the five ports on the back of the switch. The
lights for each port will be on, off, or blinking, depending on the
current network configuration and activity for that port. The Power
light is to the left of the port indicator lights. The following table
describes the meaning of each light.
Because the switch
automatically detects your
Ethernet cable type, all ports
will work as ‘Uplink’ ports.