A mechanically driven ventilation system is required for
the PS540 Series Middleby Marshall conveyorized gas
ovens. The minimum hood canopy dimensions are out-
lined below.
Local codes and conditions vary greatly from one area to
another and must be complied with. Following are the
suggested requirements for good ventilation. Please re-
member these are recommendations or guidelines, you
may have a special condition or problem that will require
the services of a ventilation engineer or specialist. Proper
ventilation is the oven owner’s responsibility. Improper
ventilation can inhibit oven performance. It is recom-
mended that the ventilation and duct work be checked out
every three months. Grease filters in the intake of the hood
may be required by local codes.
The rate of air flow exhausted through the ventilation
system is generally between 1400 and 2500 cu. ft./min. (40
and 70 m
/min), but may vary depending on the oven
configuration and hood design. To avoid a negative pres-
sure condition in the kitchen area, return air must be
brought back to replenish the air that was exhausted. A
negative pressure in the kitchen can cause heat related
problems to the oven components as if there were no
ventilation at all. The best method of supplying return air
is through the heating, ventilation and air conditioning
system. Through they system, the air can be temperature
controlled for summer and winter. Return air can be
brought in directly from outside the building, but detrimen-
tal affects can result from either extreme seasonal hot and
cold temperature from the outdoors.
NOTE: Return air from fan driven system within the hood
must not blow at opening of bake chamber or poor oven
baking performance will result.
It is recommended that a 30 second smoke candle test be
performed on your ventilation hood system. Follow the
steps below to complete the ventilation smoke test.
All tests are to be done on single ovens or lower units of
a double or triple oven. We recommend you wear
protective gloves when performing this test. At no time
should food be present when the smoke test is being
conducted. Also check that no fire suppression system
will be activated by the smoke.
1. Turn ventilation system on.
2. Turn oven(s) on and allow to heat up to customers
normal operating temperature, or a minimum of
480°F (248°C).
3. Turn conveyor off. Place a 30 second smoke candle in
a pie or cake pan which is no higher than 3″ (76mm).
4. Open the front oven window. Next, light the smoke
candle in the pan and then slide the pan into the center of
the bake chamber on the conveyor belt and close the
5. The ventilation hood should capture 90% to 100% of the
smoke produced by the candle.
Figure 2-10. Vent Hood
1″ (25mm)
8″ (203mm)
2″ (51mm)
To allow
stacking of