The following things should be checked before starting the dishwasher.
The content of this manual is very helpful to the users.
After installation, please make sure to keep this manual.
1 The dishwasher is level and fixed properly
2 Theinletvalveisopen
3 There is a leakage at the connections of the conducts
4 The wires are tightly connected
5 The power is switched on
6 The inlet and drain hoses are knotted
7 All packing materials and printings should be taken out from the dishwasher
Position the appliance in the desiredlocation. The backshould rest against the wallbehind it, andthe sides,
along the adjacent cabinets or walls. The dishwasher is equipped with water supplyand drainhoses that can
be positioned either to the right or the left sides to facilitate proper installation.
Once the appliance is positioned for levelling, the height of the dishwasher
may bealtered via adjustment of thescrewing level of the feet. Inany case,
the appliance should not be inclined more than 2 .
Water Outlet
Connect the water drain hose. The drain hose must be correctly fitted toavoid water leaks.
Ensurethat the water drain hoseis not kinkedorsquashed.
Syphon Connection
Extension Hose
Ifyou need adrainhose extension, makesure to use a similar drain hose.
Itmustbe nolonger than 4metres; otherwise thecleaningeffectof the dishwashercould bereduced.
The waste connection must be at a heightof between 40 cm (minimum) and 100 cm (maximum)
from the bottom of the dish. Thewater drain hoseshould befixed by ahose clip. The freeend of
the hosemust not be immersedin water.