Itis normal for a small amountof water to come out of the salt container.
1.Thesaltcontainer must onlybe refilled when the salt warning light in thecontrol panel comes on.
Depending onhow well the salt dissolves, the salt warning light may still be on even though the
salt container is filled.
If there is no salt warning light in the control panel (for some Models),you canestimate when tofill
the salt into the softener bythe cycles that the dishwasher has run.
2. If there are spills of the salt, a soak or a rapid program shouldbe run to remove the excessive salt.
Always usethe salt intended for use with dishwasher.
The salt container is located beneath the lower basket and should be filled as explained
in the following:
Only use salt specifically designedfor the use in dishwashers! Everyothertypeof
salt not specifically designed for the usein a dishwasher, especiallytable salt, will
damage the water softener. In case of damagescaused by the use of unsuitable
salt the manufacturer does not giveanywarrantynor is liable for any damages caused.
Only fillwith salt just before starting one of the complete washing programs.
This will preventany grains ofsalt orsalty water, which may have beenspilled,
The rinse aid is released during the final rinse to prevent water from forming droplets on your dishes, which can
leave spots and streaks. It alsoimproves drying by allowing waterto roll offthedishes.Yourdishwasher is
designed to use liquid rinseaids.The rinseaid dispenser is located inside the doornext tothe detergent dispenser.
To fill the dispenser, open the capand pour the rinse aid into the dispenser until the levelindicator turns completely
black. The volume of the rinse aid container is about 110ml.
Rinse Aid Dispenser
Function of Rinse Aid
Rinseaid is automatically addedduringthe last rinse, ensuring thoroughrinsing, andspot and streak freedrying.
Only use branded rinse aid for dishwasher. Never filltherinse aid dispenserwithanyother substances
(e.g. Dishwasher cleaning agent,liquiddetergent). This would damage the appliance.
A Remove the lower basket and then unscrew and remove the capfrom thesalt container.
B Before the first wash, fill1lt.of water inthe salt container of your machine.
C Place the endof the funnel(supplied) into the holeand introduce about1kg of salt.
D After filling the container, screw the cap tightly back clockwise.
E Usually, the salt warning light will stop being illuminated within 2-6 daysafter the saltcontainer has beenfilledwith
F Immediatelyafter fillingthe salt into thesalt container,a washing programshould be started
Otherwise the filter system, pump or other important partsof the machine may bedamaged
by salty water. This isout of warranty.