Solving Other Problems
Solving Other Problems
Symptom Cause Solution
power is
not on.
The power cord is
not correctly
plugged into the
Turn the power switch off (O position),
then remove the power cord from the
outlet and plug it back in.
The mailbox power
cord is not correctly
Turn the power switch and the mailbox
power switch off (O position), then
reconnect the mailbox power cord using
the procedure below:
—Connect the mailbox power cord plug
end to the mailbox power socket (lower
—Connect the mailbox power cord
socket end to the printer power plug.
—Connect the printer power cord
socket end to the mailbox power plug
(upper connection).
—Plug the printer power cord into the
Something is
wrong with the out-
let you are using
for the printer.
Plug another electrical appliance into
the outlet and see whether it operates
The power switch
is not correctly
set to the On (I)
Set the power switch to the Off (O)
position, then set it back to the On (I)
Turn the printer power switch and the
mailbox power switch to the Off (O)
position, then turn on the power again
using the procedure below:
—Turn the mailbox power switch on.
—Turn the printer power switch on.
Something is
wrong with the out-
let you are using
for the printer.
Plug another electrical appliance into
the outlet and see whether it operates
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500