Of course, self-study demands a greater degree of discipline than the traditional participation in
seminars or workshops, but for all those taking part, the rewards and return on time invested are
much higher. Nevertheless, the most effective solution is an intelligent mix of self-study and face-
to-face seminars and meetings.
- E-learning takes a lot of self discipline of the student
- The bandwidth of internet is at the moment still to limited to download
contents, as streaming video, in a respectable time frame.
- The success of virtual study environments only works if the guidance is
optimum. When the students are not aware of all the user possibilities, they will
not be active ‘users’.
E-Learning at Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe
The Netherlands Office
MPlus is the learning platform where to find the several modules for our products, which is
permanently available for MPlus students.
Classroom Training
In some cases it might be desirable to complete the E-learning product module with a class room
“hands-on” training. These practical trainings will be on set dates and will take 1 day. These will
be held in Nieuwegein, The Netherlands, are free of charge and have a maximum of 2 persons
per company. When the training has some open places, it can be discussed to enrol more
participants of a company. A partner or local Field Service manager, who would like to have
engineers trained on site, can make a special request for training.
The partner or local office has to arrange all necessary printers (minimal one printer per 4
persons), projector, training room, tools, lunch etc. The training department arranges the
documents (manuals), flight and hotel for the trainer.
Fee for this training consists of training costs and expenses for the trainer (hotel, travel costs and