Note: Features marked with asterisks can be specified by the user. ✽ indicates screen settings.
Mode Factory Setting
Bit: 00000000 HEX:00
Bit Feature
7 – 2 Select a font type to be set when
using PC printer function ✽
Bit 7-2: 000000 Courier
000001 CG Times
000010 CG Times Bold
000011 CG Times Italic
000100 CG Times Bold Italic
000101 CG Omega
000110 CG Omega Bold
000111 CG Omega Italic
001000 CG Omega Bold Italic
001001 Coronet
001010 Clarendon Condensed
001011 Univers Medium
001100 Univers Bold
001101 Univers Medium Italic
001110 Univers Bold Italic
001111 Univers Medium Condensed
010000 Univers Bold Condensed
010001 Univers Medium Condensed Italic
010010 Univers Bold Condensed Itali
010011 Antique Olive
010100 Antique Olive Bold
010101 Antique Olive Italic
010110 Garamond Antiqua
010111 Garamond Halbfett
011000 Garamond Kursiv
011001 Garamond Kursiv Halbfett
011010 Marigold
011011 Albertus Medium
011100 Albertus Extra Bold
011101 Arial
011110 Arial Bold
011111 Arial Italic
100000 Arial Bold Italic
100001 Times New
100010 Times New Bold
100011 Times New Italic
100100 Times New Bold Italic
100101 Symbol
100110 Wingdings
100111 Courier Bold
101000 Courier Italic
101001 Courier Bold Italic
101010 Letter Gothic
101011 Letter Gothic Bold
101100 Letter Gothic Italic
101101 Line Printer
Others Not available
1 – 0
Fixed Do not change these settings.