Dear Customer:
Congratulations on your selection of our Hand Operated Filter Machine which continues over 25 years
of leadership in oil management.
Your Filter Machine is an important tool for fryer oil management. It is designed to achieve maximum
performance for removal of fine crumb and food materials at the lowest cost.
Another important part of oil management is Frypowder oil stabilizer & filter aid. Frypowder Oil
Stabilizer & Filter Aid used with your filter machine will enhance your experience of performance. This
combination delivers benefits not available from other filter machines.
• Provides consistent and enhanced food quality
• Oil savings from 25% to 40%
• Fryers stay free of carbon and gum deposits
• The MirOil filter doe s not leach harmful chemicals like paper filters
• Faster set-up and clean-up will save on labor
• MirOil filter has a 6 months filter life pro rated guarantee.
• Throw-away paper filters, D. E. powder or expensive cartridges are not needed.
• MirOil "Rinse & Reuse" filter bags clean up in seconds under hot water spray.
Why Frypowder Oil Stabilizer and Filter Aid and your filter machine deliver these benefits.
All oil breakdown substances are liquid. They pass through filters and filter aids and remain in the oil. As
they accumulate, they undermine the nutritional profile and the cooking performance of the oil.
Frypowder oil stabilizer captures these breakdown liquid substances as they form.
This is why Frypowder oil stabilizer is able to provide total control of food quality and oil performance.
Frypowder oil stabilizer has no chemistry with the oil or with the food.
When the oil is filtered, the Frypowder oil stabilizer mineral leave the fryer with the crumb and
performs as a filter aid for improved filtering.
To receive the full benefit from your MirOil Filter Machine, just follow these simple rules.
1. Set up a regular schedule to filter once a day.
2. Add Frypowder to your oil before each meal session.
3. Follow the filtering and freshening procedures outlined in this manual.
For questions about Frypowder oil stabilizer or your Power Filter Machine. . . .
Frying Hot Line 1.800.523.9844
Additional Tips
Order a spare filter bag so you are prepared if it may be required in the future.
If the oil for discard is held overnight in the kitchen for security reasons or if you need a measure for the
freshening oil . . . . Order a Model 30LG utility pail - for measuring and / or storing up to 5 gallons of oil.
Division of Oil Process Systems Inc.
602-20 North Tacoma Street Allentown, Pennsylvania 18103
PHONE: 610 437-4618 FAX: 610 437-3377 E-mail: info@miroil.com Web: www.miroil.com
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