
Power Management and Event Detection
Signal Name Pin # I/O Signal Description
PWRBTN# AD2 I Power Button.Used by the Power Management
subsystem to monitor an external system on/off but
on or switch. Internal logic powered by VSUS33.
V1 I Sleep Button. Used by he Power Management
subsystem to monitor an external sleep but on or
switch.RxE4[6]=1,80[6]=1,E5[2]=0 and PMIO
RSMRST# AD5 I Resume Reset. Resets he internal logic connected o
he VSUS33 power plane and also resets portions of
he internal RTC logic. Internal logic powered by
EXTSMI#/GPI2 AA1 IOD External System Management Interrupt. When
enabled o allow it ,a falling edge on this input causes
an SMI# to be generated o he CPU o enter SMI
mode.(10K PU to VSUS33 if not used)(3.3V only)
PME# W3 I Power Management Event.(10K PU o VSUS33 if
not used)
SMBALRT# AB2 I SMB Alert .When programmed to allow it (SMB I/O
Rx8[3]=1),assertion generates an IRQ, SMI,or power
management event.(10K PU o VSUS33 if not used)
Notebook Computer Display Lid Open /Closed
Monitor. Used by he Power Management subsystem
to monitor he opening and closing of the display lid
of notebook computers. Can be used o detect either
low-to-high or high-to-low transitions o generate an
SMI#.(10K PU o VSUS33 if not used)
INTRUDER#/GPI16 AD3 I Intrusion Indicator. The value of his bi may be read at
PMIO Rx20[6]
Y4 I Thermal Alarm Monitor.Rx8C[3]=1.Rising or
falling edges (selectable by PMIO Rx2C[6])may be
detected to status at used a PMIO Rx20[10].Setting of
this status bit may then be used to generate an SCI or
SMI. THRM# may also be used to enable duty cycle
control of stop-clock (STPCLK#)o automatically
limit maximum temperature (see Device 17 Function
0 Rx8C[7-3]).
RING#/GPI3 Y2 I Ring Indicator. May be connected to external
modem circuitry to allow he system to be re-activated
by a received phone call.(10K PU to VSUS33 if not
BATLOW#/GPI5 W4 I Battery Low Indicator. (10K PU to VSUS33 if not
used)(3.3V only)
Power Management and Event Detection Continue
Signal Name Pin # I/O Signal Description
CPUSTP#/GPO5 AC7 O CPU Clock Stop (RxE4[0]=0).Signals the system
clock generator to disable the CPU clock outputs. Not
connected if not used.
PCISTP#/GPO6 AF6 O PCI Clock Stop (RxE4[1]=0).Signals the system
clock generator o disable he PCI clock outputs. Not
connected if not used.
SUSA#/GPO1 AA2 O Suspend Plane A Control (Rx94[2]=0).Asserted
during power management POS, STR, and STD
suspend states. Used to control the primary power
plane.(10K PU to VSUS33 if not used)
SUSB#/GPO2 AF2 O Suspend Plane B Control (Rx94[3]=0).Asserted
during power management STR and STD suspend
states. Used o control he secondary power plane.(10K
PU o VSUS33 if not used)
SUSC# AF1 O Suspend Plane C Control. Asserted during power
management STD suspend state. Used to control he
tertiary power plane. Also connected to ATX
power-on circuitry. (10K PU o VSUS33 if not used)
SUSST1#/GPO3 Y3 O Suspend Status 1 (Rx94[4]=0).Typically connected
to the North Bridge to provide information on host
clock status. Asserted when the system may stop the
host clock, such as Stop Clock or during POS, STR,
or STD suspend statues. Connect 10K PU to
SUSCLK AB1 O Suspend Clock.32.768 KHz output clock for use by
the North Bridge (e.g.,VT8633 or VT8366)for
DRAM refresh purposes. Stopped during
Suspend-to-Disk and Soft-Off modes. Connect 10K
PU to VSUS33.
CPUMISS /GPI17 Y1 I CPU Missing. Used to detect the physical presence
of the CPU chip in its socket. High indicates no CPU
present. Connect to he CPUMISS pin of the CPU
socket.The state of his pin may be read in the SMBus
2 registers.This pin may be used as CPUMISS and
GPI17 a the same time.
R2 I Alert On LAN. The state of this pin may be read in
the SMBus 2 registers. This pin may be used as
AOLGPI, GPI18andTHRM#alla the same time.
5.3 VT8235 South Bridge-7