M2006 Phone User Guide
The following conventions are used in this user guide:
• Fixed-function keys are identified by bold uppercase letters (for example,
• Text that appears on the display is identified by double quotes (for example,
Using Your Meridian 1 Phone with the 3300 CITELlink Gateway
Please note the following differences in the way your phone now operates:
• Some features require you to dial a
feature access code. You can use feature
access codes whenever you have dial tone. The feature access codes in this user
guide may be different from the ones programmed in your system. Ask your
Administrator for the list of feature access codes you can use.
• When you have a message, the message indicator is lit. You may also have stutter
dial tone (if this has been configured by your administrator).
• You do not need to select a line before dialing a number. See On-hook Dialing on
page 10 for more information.
Tips for Your Comfort and Safety
Don't cradle the handset!
Prolonged use of the handset can lead to neck, shoulder, or back discomfort, especially if
you cradle the handset between your ear and shoulder.
Protect your hearing
Your phone has a control for adjusting the volume of the handset receiver. Because
continuous exposure to loud sounds can contribute to hearing loss, keep the volume at a
moderate level.