To change a battery pack:
Note: You should exchange the phone battery packs regularly (once a
1. Press down on the battery pack latch at the back of the phone, and
remove the battery pack from the phone.
2. Insert the battery pack in the back battery port of the charger. When the
contacts touch correctly, the battery charge indicator (right LED on
charger) turns red. The battery pack is fully charged when the battery
charge indicator turns green (about 12 hours).
3. Insert the charged battery pack into the phone.
4. Insert the phone into the phone port of the charger. When the contacts
touch correctly, the phone charge indicator (left LED on charger) turns
on. The battery pack in the phone is fully charged when the phone
charge indicator turns green.
Recycle Note: Nickel metal hydride batteries are recyclable. Return your
unwanted batteries to the nearest recycling center for proper disposal. Do
not dispose of the batteries in office or household waste. Phone 1-800-8-
BATTERY to locate a Battery Recycling Center near you.