6.1.2 Common specifications
Soft-PWM control/high carrier frequency PWM control (V/F control or advanced magnetic flux
vector control can be selected)
0.2 to 400Hz
0.015Hz/60Hz (terminal 2 input: 12 bits/0 to 10V, 11 bits/0 to 5V, terminal 1 input: 12 bits/
to +10V, 11 bits/
5 to +5V)
0.2% of maximum output frequency (25
C ) for analog input, within 0.01% of
set output frequency for digital input
Base frequency set as required between 0 and 400Hz. Constant torque or variable torque
pattern can be selected.
150%: At 0.5Hz (for advanced magnetic flux vector control)
Manual torque boost
0 to 3600 sec (acceleration and deceleration can be set individually), linear or S-pattern
acceleration/deceleration mode can be selected.
Operation frequency (0 to 120Hz), operation time (0 to 10 sec), voltage (0 to 30%) variable
Control specifications
Stall prevention operation
Operation current level can be set (0 to 150% variable), presence or absence can be
0 to 5VDC, 0 to 10VDC, 0 to
10VDC, 4 to 20mADC
3-digit BCD or 12-bit binary using operation panel or parameter unit
(when the FR-A5AX option is used)
Forward and reverse rotation, start signal automatic self-holding input (3-wire input) can be
Up to 15 speeds can be selected. (Each speed can be selected in the range of 0 to 400Hz.
The operation speed can be changed from the operation panel or parameter unit during
0 to 3600 sec (up to three different accelerations and decelerations
can be set individually.)
Input of frequency setting signal 4 to 20mADC (terminal 4) is selected.
Instantaneous shut-off of inverter output (frequency, voltage)
Input signals
Alarm retained at the activation of protective function is reset.
Maximum/minimum frequency setting, frequency jump operation, external thermal relay input
selection, polarity reversible operation, automatic restart operation after instantaneous power
failure, commercial power supply-inverter switch-over operation, forward/reverse rotation
prevention, slip compensation, operation mode selection, offline auto tuning function, online
auto tuning function, PID control, programmed operation, computer link operation (RS-485)
5 different signals can be selected from inverter running, up to frequency, instantaneous
power failure (undervoltage), frequency detection, second frequency detection, third
frequency detection, during program mode operation, during PU operation, overload alarm,
regenerative brake pre-alarm, electronic overcurrent protection pre-alarm, zero current
detection, output current detection, PID lower limit, PID upper limit, PID forward/reverse
rotation, commercial power supply-inverter switch-over MC1, 2, 3, operation ready, brake
release request, fan fault and fin overheat pre-alarm minor fault. Open collector output.
Contact output...change-over contact (230VAC 0.3A, 30VDC 0.3A)
Open collector...alarm code (4 bit) output
Operational specifications
Output signals
1 signal can be selected from output frequency, motor current (steady or peak value), output
voltage, frequency setting, running speed, motor torque, converter output voltage (steady or
peak value), regenerative brake duty, electronic overcurrent protection load factor, input
power, output power, load meter, and motor exciting current. Pulse train output (1440
pulses/sec./full scale) and analog output (0 to 10VDC).