FR-F 740 EC/E1
The new FR-F 740 frequency inverters are available with outputs
from 0.75 – 630 kW and are ideal for applications with pump and
fan drives.
They use a 3-phase AC power supply and have an output
frequency range of 0.5 – 400 Hz.
The new FR-F 740 inverter series
The Power-Saving
Technical Catalogues Frequency Inverters
Product catalogue for frequency inverters and accessories
of the FR-S 500, FR-E 500 and FR-A 500 series
Technical Catalogues MELSERVO and Motion Controllers
Product catalogues for MR-J2 series amplifiers, servo motors
and motion controllers with SSCNET connection
PLC Technical Catalogues
Product catalogues for programmable logic controllers and
accessories for the MELSEC series
Networks Technical Catalogue
Product catalogue for Master and Slave modules as well as
accessories for the use of programmable logic controllers in
open networks and MELSEC networks
HMI Technical Catalogue
Product catalogue for operator terminals, process visualisation and
programming software as well as accessories
Additional Services
You will find current information on updates, alterations, new items and technical support on MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC's web pages
The products section of the MITSUBISHI home site includes various documents for the whole product range offered by MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC
as well as the current version of this catalogue. All manuals and catalogues can be downloaded for your convenience. Manuals and catalogues are
available in multiple language. Please check for availability.
About this product catalogue
Due to the constantly growing product range, technical alteration, and new or changed characteristical features, this catalogue is updated
Texts, figures and diagrams shown in this product catalogue are intended exclusively for explanation and assistance in planning and ordering the fre
quency inverter series FR-F 700 EC/E1 and the associated accessories. Only the manuals supplied with the units are relevant for installation, commis
sioning and handling of the units and accessories. The information given in these documentations must be read before installation and commission
ing of the units or software.
Should questions arise with regard to the planning of modules described in this product catalogue, do not hesitate to contact your nearest office
listed on the last page of this document.
© MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. 11/2004 (1st edition)
Further Publications within the Factory Automation Range