3 Function Construction
3.2 Labels
FXCPU Structured Programming Manual
(Application Functions)
Constant description method
The table below the description method required to set a constant to a label.
Data type
The label data type is basic or universal.
• The table below shows a list of basic data types.
Constant type Description method Example
Bit Input "TRUE" or "FALSE". Or input "0" or "1". TRUE, FALSE
Binary number Add "2#" before a binary number. 2#0010, 2#01101010
Octal number Add "8#" before an octal number. 8#0, 8#337
Decimal number
Input a decimal number directly. Or add "K" before a decimal
123, K123
Hexadecimal number Add "16#" or "H" before a hexadecimal number. 16#FF, HFF
Real number Input a real number directly. Or add "E" before a real number. 2.34, E2.34
Character string
Surround a character string with single quotations (') or double
quotations (").
'ABC', "ABC"
Data type Description Value range Bit length
Bit Boolean data 0(FALSE), 1(TRUE) 1 bit
Word [signed] Integer -32768 to 32767 16 bits
Double Word [signed] Double precision integer
-2147483648 to
32 bits
Word [unsigned]/Bit String
16-bit data 0 to 65535 16 bits
Double Word [unsigned]/Bit
String [32-bit]
32-bit data 0 to 4294967295 32 bits
FLOAT (Single Precision) Real number
E ±1.175495
E ±3.402823
(Number of significant figures: 6)
32 bits
String Character string (50 characters maximum) Variable
Time Time value
T#-24d-0h31m23s648.00ms to
32 bits