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MDS-D-SVJ3/SPJ3 Series Instruction Manual
3-3 Setting the initial parameters for the spindle drive unit
【#13227】 SP227 SFNC7 Spindle function 7
Select the spindle functions.
Functions are allocated to each bit.
Set this in hexadecimal format.
bit F-C : dis Digital signal input selection
0: No signal 1: Safety observation function door state signal 4: Proximity switch signal detection
Other settings: setting prohibited
bit B-A : dos3 Digital signal output 3 selection
00: Disable
01: Setting prohibited
10: Contactor control signal output (For MDS-D-SPJ3)
11: Setting prohibited
bit 9 :
Not used. Set to "0".
bit 8 : alcdsp
0: Display alarm history 1: Display alarm counter
- For MDS-DM Series
Not used. Set to "0".
bit 7-3 :
Not used. Set to "0".
bit 2 : ccu Lost motion/overshoot compensation compensation amount setting unit
0: Short-time rated % 1: Short-time rated 0.01%
bit 1 : lmc3 Lost motion compensation 3
0: Disable 1: Enable
bit 0 : lmct Lost motion compensation 3 adjustment time measurement
0: Disable 1: Enable
【#13228】 SP228 SFNC8 Spindle function 8
Not used. Set to "0000".