Chapter 10 Adjustment
Name Abbrev. Details
Setting range
SV056 EMGt Set the deceleration time constant from the max. rapid traverse speed when using the drop
prevention function.
Normally, the same value as the normal CNC G0 acceleration/deceleration time constant is
Set 0 when not using the drop prevention function.
0 to 2000
SV057 SHGC Set this with SV004: PGN2 when carrying out SGH control.
Normally, set this to 281. Set 0 when not using this function.
0 to 1200
SV058 SHGCsp Set this with SV050: PGN2sp when carrying out SHG control during special operations
(synchronous tap, interpolation with spindle C axis, etc.).
Set 0 when not using this function.
0 to 1200
SV059 TCNV Set the estimated thrust gain when using the collision detection function.
If 1 is set for SV035: SSF4/clt, the guide for the setting value will display at MPOF on the Servo
Monitor screen.
Set 0 when not using the collision detection function.
0 to 32767
SV060 TLMT Set the collision detection level for method 1 G0 modal as a percentage in respect to the stall
rated current when using the collision detection function.
Set 0 when not using the collision detection function.
0 to 100
(Stall rated
current %)
SV061 DA1NO Set the output data No. of the D/A output channel 1.
When –1 is set, D/A output will not be carried out for that axis.
Set the default excitation level for DC excitation.
Set –250 when starting DC excitation.
–32768 to 32767
SV062 DA2NO Set the output data No. of the D/A output channel 2.
When –1 is set, D/A output will not be carried out for that axis.
Set the default excitation level for DC excitation.
Set –250 when starting DC excitation.
–32768 to 32767
SV063 DA1MPY Set the output scale of the D/A output channel 1.
The output scale is (setting value)/256.
When 0 is set, it is interpreted as 256. (Output scale 1-fold)
Set the default excitation time for DC excitation. (ms)
Normally, 500 is set.
–32768 to 32767
SV064 DA2MPY Set the output scale of the D/A output channel 2.
The output scale is (setting value)/256.
When 0 is set, it is interpreted as 256. (Output scale 1-fold)
–32768 to 32767