APP - 28
APPENDIX 2.5 Continuation execution example after the stop by the Motion SFC program
(1) The explanation of the operation
The program example that the Motion SFC program is stopped by external input
signal ON for the forced stop from the input module, and it is executed
continuously by external signal OFF for the stop is shown below.
The servo is turned on by the forced stop release and the positioning control of
the 2 axes liner interpolation is executed when PX4 is ON in this program. One
cycle operation is completed after confirmation that PX4 became OFF.
When PX5 turns ON during the positioning operating, the positioning operation is
stopped by the stop instruction and it is resumed from the interrupted positioning
operation at turning PX5 on. The transition to the next step is not executed during
PX5 is ON in the WAIT transition.
When the forced stop is executed during the positioning operating, the
positioning operation is interrupted and the servomotor is stopped. It is resumed
from the interrupted positioning operation when the forced stop was released
Continuation execution of the stop and stop after is executed by this program
example by the following processing.
(a) While PX5 turns it on, it is made to turn on a stop command (M3200+20n)
and an internal relay (M100) for the stop.
(b) While PX5 turns it off, it is made to turn off a stop command (M3200+20n)
and an internal relay (M100) for the stop.
(c) A motion control step does absolute position to cope with it when it is
resumed after it stops on the way of the positioning.
(d) A positioning completion signal (M2401+20n) is used for the decision
whether it is stopped during the positioning on the way.
(e) The motion control step is resumed after it waits to turn it off, when it was
stepped during positioning.
(f) "The internal relay (M100) for the stop turn off." is substituted for the WAIT
transition condition that you must stop.