4 - 12
4.6 Offset/Gain Setting
4.6 Offset/Gain Setting
Execute offset/gain settings in the following procedure.
When the factory shipped setting is used, offset/gain setting is not necessary.
If the utility package is installed, execute the offset/gain setting according to the procedure
in Section 5.6.2.
(1) Setting procedure
Figure 4.9 Setting procedure for offset/gain setting
Set the gain setting channel in the offset/gain setting
mode (Gain specification)(Un\G27). Set the offset/gain
setting mode (Offset specification)(Un\G26) to "0".
Check that "RUN" LED is flashing to indicate the
offset/gain setting mode.
Switch to the offset/gain setting mode. *2
Confirm that the channel change completion flag
(XB) is turned ON.
Enter the value, to be used as gain value in the
termocouple or standard DC voltage generator, to
channel for adjusting.
Confirm that the offset/gain setting mode status flag
(XA) is turned OFF.
Write the temperature setting value (digital)
equivalent to the analog input value to the CH gain
temperature setting value (Un\G29)*4 of the channel
to be adjusted.
Set the offset setting channel in the offset/gain
setting mode (Offset specification)(Un\G26). Set the
offset/gain setting mode (Gain specification)
(Un\G27) to "0".
Set the conversion enable/disable setting (Un\G0)
of the channel for executing the offset/gain setting
to "enable" and turnY9 from ON to OFF. *3
With the intelligent function module swich setting,
set the input type setting value to a type for executing
error compensation. In the cold junction temperature
compensation setting, set it to "with cold junction
temperature compensation". *1
Confirm that the channel change completion flag
(XB) is turned ON.
Enter the value, to be used as a offset value in the
termocouple or standard DC voltage generator, to
channel for adjusting.
Turn OFF the channel change request (YB).
Turn ON the channel change request (YB).
Turn ON the channel change request (YB).
Turn OFF the channel change request (YB).
Turn ON the user range write request (YA).
Turn OFF the user range write request (YA).
Switch to normal mode.
Do you want to adjust other channels?
Is the disconnection
detection signal (XC)
(Q68TD-G-H02 only) or disconnection
state monitor signal (XC)
(Q68TD-G-H01 only)
Is the "ERR." LED on?
Check the disconnection
detection flag (Un\G49)
(Q68TD-G-H02 only) or
disconnection state
monitor flag (Un\G49)
(Q68TD-G-H01 only),
and identify the channel
for the disconnection.
Then review the wiring
of the channel and turn
YF from ON to OFF.
Write the temperature setting value (digital)
equivalent to the analog input value to the CH offset
temperature setting value (Un\G28)*4 of the channel
to be adjusted.