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No. 99MBC032A
(a) Format: RP
(b) Description: This is used to confirm the setup contents, if the measuring conditions and
operating conditions set are received as the response.
(c) Example: Reception command RP command
Response command PROGRAM, SG 2, M3, LL D 5.988, LH 6.010,
REF6.000, OF 0, PR 3, PRT0, SMP20, MAX, ST
(15) SET
(a) Format: SET
Segment specification *1 , SG sssssss
Edge specification *1 , SG aaa-bbb
Measurement interval number at arithmetical average , M m
Number of scans for arithmetical average , MN nnnn
Measurement interval number at moving average , MS m
Number of scans for moving average , MNH nnnn
Lower abnormal limit *2 , EL±ddd.dddd
Upper abnormal limit *2 , EH±ddd.dddd
Lower limit *1 , LL±ddd.dddd
Upper limit *1 , LH±ddd.dddd
, L1±ddd.dddd
Multi-limit selection value *1 , L2 ••••
, L6±ddd.dddd
Target value *1 , N±ddd.dddd
Lower tolerance limit *1 , LO±ddd.dddd
Upper tolerance limit *1 , UP±ddd.dddd
Reference value *3 , REF±ddd.dddd
Positive offset *4 , OF±ddd.dddd
Negative offset *4 , OM±ddd.dddd
Positive zero-set *4 , ZERO+
Negative zero-set *4 , ZERO–
Data output condition *5 , PRr
Periodic data output timer , PRT ttt
Number of sample measurements , SMP nnn
Sample measurement • Maximum value *6 , MAX
• Minimum value *6 , MIN
• Range *6 , RNG
• Mean *6 , AVG
Group size subject to judgment *2 , GN nn
Lower tolerance limit of group judgment *2 , GLL±ddd.dddd
Upper tolerance limit of group judgment *2 , GLH±ddd.dddd
Statistical items for group judgment: Maximum value *2, 6 , GMX
: Minimum value *2, 6 , GMN
: Mean *2, 6 , GAG
: Range *2, 6 , GRG