8. Place this assembly (the adapter box, vent pipe and
combustion air pipe) through the wall or roof and verify that
the distance requirements as defined in the following
sections are met. Securely attach the assembly (adapter
box and vent and combustion air pipe) to the wall or roof
using appropriate fasteners.
orizontal Concentric Venting:
Figure 6
Horizontal Concentric Vent
(rear pipe hidden)
1. The vent pipe must terminate with the terminal supplied by
the manufacture for horizontal venting. Refer to the parts
list on page 5 for the appropriate part.
2. The combustion air pipe must terminate at least 1 inch from
the wall. This will prevent water from running down the wall
and into the pipe and allows for easy installation of the
combustion air intake guard.
3. Caulk between the wall and the air intake pipe.
4. Maintain 12 inches from the combustion air inlet to the back
of the vent terminal.
5. Attach the combustion air intake guard using non corrosive
screws as shown in figure 5. This guard must be placed at
the end of the pipe on the exterior of the building. This
guard helps to prevent animals and debris from entering the
combustion air pipe.
ertical Concentric Venting:
Figure 7
Vertical Concentric Vent
(back view typical)
1. The vent must terminate with a Gary Steel Model 1092 or
Briedert Type L cap for the appropriate pipe size.
2. The combustion air pipe must terminate with the cap
supplied by the manufacturer. This cap is specially
designed to work with the concentric vent system. Refer to
the parts list on page 5 for the appropriate part.
3. The bottom of the air intake pipe must terminate above the
snow line, or at least 12 inches above the roof, which ever
distance is greater.
4. The bottom of the vent cap must terminate at least 6 inches
above the top of the air intake cap.
5. To attach the caps, slide the combustion air cap over the
vent pipe and fasten it to the combustion air pipe with at
least 3 non corrosive fasteners. Then, attach the vent cap
to the vent pipe, also using at least 3 non corrosive
6. Caulk the gap between the combustion air cap and the vent
pipe with silicone sealant, or other appropriate sealants
suitable for metal to metal contact and for temperatures of
350° F.
wo Pipe Venting
Two pipe venting refers to using two penetrations through an
exterior wall or roof. This method of venting is primarily used
for replacement heaters where two holes through the exterior of
a building exist. To vent using this method, either (2) Briedert
Type L caps or (2) Gary Steel Model 1092 caps provided with
your unit heater must be used. These caps are used for both
vertical and horizontal venting of the heater.
ertical Two Pipe Venting
1. The bottom of the combustion air cap must be located
above the snow line or 12 inches above the roof, which ever
is greater.
2. The vent must terminate at least 1 foot above and 16
inches horizontally from the combustion air inlet.
3. When the vent passes through a combustible roof, a metal
thimble 4 inches greater than the vent diameter is
necessary. If there is 6 feet or more of vertical vent pipe in
the open space between the unit heater and where the vent
pipe passes through the roof, the thimble need only be 2
inches greater than the diameter of the vent pipe. If a
thimble is not used, all combustible material must be cut
away to provide a 6 inch clearance. Any material used to
close the opening must be noncombustible.
To Exhaust
o Combustion
Air Inlet
Figure 8
Vertical Venting - Two Pipes
Heater Parts from ACF Greenhouses