
EDS-408A/405A Series User’s Manual Featured Functions
Queuing Mechanism
Setting Description Factory Default
Weighted Fair
EDS-408A/405A has 4 priority queues. In the weight
fair scheme, an 8, 4, 2, 1 weighting is applied to the
four priorities. This approach prevents the lower
priority frames from being starved of opportunity for
transmission with only a slight delay to the higher
priority frames.
In the Strict-priority scheme, all top-priority frames
egress a port until that priority’s queue is empty, and
then the next lower priority queue’s frames egress.
This approach can cause the lower priorities to be
starved of opportunity for transmitting any frames but
ensures all high priority frames to egress the switch as
soon as possible.
Weight Fair
Inspect TOS
Setting Description Factory Default
Select this setting to enable EDS-408A/405A to
inspect the Type of Service (TOS) bits in IPV4 frame
to determine the priority of each frame.
Inspect COS
Setting Description Factory Default
Select this setting to enable EDS-408A/405A to
inspect the 802.1p COS tag in the MAC frame to
determine the priority of each frame.
Default Port Priority
Setting Description Factory Default
Set the Port Default Priority of the ingress frames to
different priority queues. If the received packets are
not equipped with any tag information (CoS, TOS) the
default port priority will take effect.
The priority of an ingress frame is determined in order by:
1. Inspect TOS
2. Inspect CoS
3. Default Port Priority
The designer can enable these classifications individually or in combination. For instance, if a
‘hot’ higher priority port is required for a network design, Inspect TOS and Inspect CoS can be
disabled. This setting leaves only port default priority active, which results in all ingress frames
being assigned the same priority on that port.