1-8 Smartio C168H/HS User’s Manual
RS-485 Mode
The Opt8J supports only 2-wire RS-485 communication. Set the respective switch to
ON position to use RS-485 interface. This means the port can transmit data only
when RTS is asserted, and receive data only when RTS is not asserted (half-duplex).
Refer to Chapter “Connection Option (Opt8x) and Cable Wiring” for RS-422/RS-
485 cable wiring. And also to Chapter “Serial Programming Tools” for Opt8J RS-
485 programming details.
Installation Guide
This section gives a brief summary of how to install the Smartio C168 Series under
each supported operating system. The installation is simple and involves the
following stages:
Smartio C168 Series with
io-irq.exe. See Chapter “Hardware
Install the
Smartio C168 Series board Installation”
Install the software from the diskette See Chapter “Software
Configure the driver for the board and ports Installation” for respective OS
Connect the devices with the cable See Chapter “Connection
Cable and Cable Wiring”
Restart the system See Chapter “Software
Check the driver initialization status Installation”
If the system restart successfully, you may
develop your applications or See Chapter “Serial
execute the desired applications Programming Tools”