Dehydrated foods are great eaten dry, but they can also be rehydrated close to
their original form.
Dried foods can be rehydrated by soaking them in liquids such as water, fruit
juices or stocks. Rehydrated
are great in pies and sauces. Dried vegeta-
bles can be used for stews or soups.
Do not add salt or sugar to water, this will slow down the rehydratfng process.
Various methods for rehydrating are outlined below. Choose the method that
best your needs.
If using cold water, soak in refrigerator to keep fruits free of molds
or bacteria. Soak for a few hours until fruits reach desired consis-
tency. Use enough water to just barely cover fruits.
One cup of dried fruits will yield about 2 cups of rehydrated fruit.
Do not fruits, this tends to reduce flavor and make them
Wash vegetables in clean water. Soak in clean, unsalted water
for 2-10 hours in a covered pan.
Add seasonings at the end of rehydrating, not during.
A rule of thumb:
smaller pieces need shorter soaking times
larger pieces need longer soaking
One cup of dried vegetables will yield about 2 cups of rehydrated
Use water that has been used for rehydrating in our recipes, this
helps save the nutritional value of the vegetables.
Boiling Water:
Place 1 cup of fruit into 1 cup of water, simmer until tender. Place 1 cup of veg-
etables into 1 cup of boiling water. Set aside and let soak for 5 to 20 minutes.
This varies depending on the After soaking, use the vegeta-
bles for soups, stews or casseroles.
making fruits for pie, the mixture may need to be thickened. Add more
water toward the end of mixing the ingredients. Adding the extra water too soon
will make the pie filling too thin. You will be able to tell by looking and experienc-
ing how much water is needed.
Fruits can be softened by steaming for about 35 minutes. This method is ideal
when using fruits for milkshakes or baking.
Simply add the vegetables to the desired recipe. Be sure to add enough extra
sufficiently rehydrate the produce.