MRV Communications, Inc. – Installation Manual
TS5000/155 and TS4000/155 enhancements
Constantly striving for excellence and customer satisfaction, as befits the world leader in the FSO, MRV is presently
enhancing its TS4000/155 (p/n TS4000/XYZ/V**) and the TS5000/155 (TS5000/XYZ/V**) TereScope systems to make
the operation of these devices easier. For example, from now on if a customer does not ordered a Fusion option and
afterwards changed his mind, he will not have to return the TereScope to the factory, he will be able to quickly and easily
replace the interface by himself. Also, an optional additional power supply can double the MTBF of these products.
Power supply
Power supply
Lasers Enable
The improvements consist of:
1 – Redundant power supply : it is
possible to order an additional power
supply for the TS head. In this case if
the main power supply fails, the
redundant will continue the job without
cutting the link.
2 – The interface is removable: the
distributor or the client can change the
interface without sending the unit to
MRV. (good for changing from MM to
SM or to add the FUSION soltion…)
3 – Laser enable indicators: While it is
a new feature for the TS4000/155,
TS5000/155 always had it - just the
indicators’ location on the back panel
and their size were changed.
4 – SNMP management: a new SNMP
card is integrated, the features are:
a - Two new functions :
• Local Loop back
• Remote Loop Back
b - Active Management (not only
• Local Loop back
• Remote Loop Back
• Reset
• Fusion
• Add Power supplies status
• Software or hardware mode