Guards And Covers
Figure 7. Blade Guard (Right-side mounting)
Blade Guard Inspection
CHECK the following on the Blade Guard (Figure 7)
Ensure the water feed tubes are properly positioned to
permit water flow to both sides fo the diamond blade.
Check that the guard is bolted firmly upon the saw
Check that the spring tensioned front cover of the guard
is firmly seated with the rear section of the guard and
there are no gaps. NEVER lift the blade guard while
engine is running.
ENSURE the V-Belt Cover is in place and securely
fastened during operation of the saw (Figure 8).
NEVER operate the saw without blade
guards and covers in place. DO NOT
operate with the front of the blade guard
raised. The blade exposure cannot exceed
180 degrees during operation. Adhere to
the safety guidelines or other applicable local regulations.
V-Belt Check
A worn or damaged V-belt can adversely affect the
performance of the saw. If a V-belt is defective or worn,
replace ALL the V-belts. V-belts should always be replaced
in sets.
V-Belt Alignment and Tensioning
This saw is equipped with premium V-belts that have been
aligned and tensioned by factory personnel. The V-belt
must be aligned and tensioned for proper operation of the
Use the following procedure to check the alignment of
1. Remove the bolts that secure the V-belt cover (Figure
8) to the saw frame.
Figure 8. V-Belt Cover
2. Check uniform parallelism (Figure 9) of V-belt and
pulley (sheaves). Use a straight-edge or machinist's
square against both pulleys and adjust both pulleys
until equally aligned.
NEVER attempt to check the V-belt with
the engine running. Severe injury can
occur. Keep fingers, hands, hair, and
clothing away from all moving parts.