Pump delivers insufficient flow rate
Motor is overloaded
Pump is running, but does not deliver
Excessive bearing temperature
Leakage at the pump
Excessive leakage at the shaft seal
Vibrations during pump operation
Excessive rise of temperature inside the pump
8 Trouble-shooting
Cause Remedy
* * *
Pump delivers against anexcessively high discharge pressure. Re-adjust to duty point.
Check plant for impurities.
Fit one or several larger impellers.
Increase the speed (turbine, I.C. engine).
* * * *
Pump or pipi ng are not completely vented orprimed. Vent and/or prime.
* *
Supply line or impeller c logged. Remove depos its in the pumpand/or piping.
* *
Formation of airpockets in the piping. Alter piping layout.
Fit a vent valve.
* * * * *
Suction headi s toohigh/ NPSH
(positiv e suctionhead)istoolow. Check/alter liquid level.
Fully openshut-off valve in the suction line.
Change suction line, i f the friction losses in the suction line are too high.
Check suction strainer/foot v alve and suction line for clogging.
* *
Air intake at the shaft seal. Clean barrier li quidduct, supply external barrier liquid, if necessary
2) 3)
increase its pressure.
Fit new shaft seal.
* * *
Wrong direction of rotation. Interchange two of the phases of the power supply cable.
Speed is too low.
Increase s peed.
* * * *
Wear of internal pumpparts. Replace worn components by newones.
* *
Pump back press ure is lower than specified in the purchase order. Adjust duty point accurately.
* *
Density or v iscosity of the fluid pumped is higher than stated in the pur-
chase order.
* * *
Gland cover too tight or askew. Correct. Increase leakage sli ghtly.
Speed is too high. Reduce speed.
Tie bolts / gaskets Tighten the bolts.
Fit new gaskets.
Worn shaft seal. Fit new shaft seal.
Check barrier liquid pressure
2) 3)
Score marks orroughness on shaft protecting sleeve / shaft sleeve. Replace shaft protecting sleeve / shaft sleeve.
Fit new shaft seal.
Vibrations during pump operation Improve suction conditions.
Re-align the pump.
Re-balance the i m peller.
Increase press ure at thepump suction nozz le.
* * *
The unit is misaligned. Re-align.
* * *
Pump is warped or sy m pathetic vibrations in the piping. Check pipeline connections and secure fi xing of pump; if required, reduce
the dis tances between the pi pe clamps.
Fix the pipelines using anti-vibration m aterial.
Outer bearing races of fixed bearing are loose. Clamp outer bearing races axially.
Increased ax ial thrust.
Check rotor clearances, axial adjustment and clearance on throttling bush
/ balance drum.
* *
Insuffic ient or excessive quantity of lubricant or unsuitable lubricant. Top up, reduce or change lubricant.
Non-compliance with specified c oupling distance. Correct distance according to the general arrangement drawing.
* *
Motor is running on two phases only. Replace the defective fuse.
Check the electric cable connections.
* * *
Rotor is out ofbalance. Clean the impellers.
Re-balance the i m peller.
* * *
Defective bearing(s). Fit new bearing(s).
* * *
Insufficient rate of flow. Increase the minimum rate of flow.
Incorrect infl ow ofcirculation liquid. Increase the free cross-section.
* * * *
In cas e of parallel operation, check valve defective or missi ng. Check.
Incorrect installation of gl and packing,
unsuitabl e packing material
* * *
Inadequate cool ing of shaft s eal chamber Check the free cross-section ofthe cooling liquid feed line.
* * *
Change in the free cross-section of the return line ofthe balancing liquid
Wear in balancing device
Check the balancing line.
Check throttling bush / balance drum clearances.
1) Pump pressure must be released before attempting to remedy faults on parts which are subjected to pressure.
2) Contact KSB
3) Pump versi on with barrier liquid supply on request only