
38-IWay Hopper
connection dialog just under the first channel connection asking for a user name
and password. This can be disabled for future connections by entering your user
name ID and password again on this second screen.
2.6.3 Removing ISDN Drivers for Windows 95
To remove ISDNdrivers from Windows 95:
1. Remove the NDISWAN adapter (NDISWAN driver), do not reboot Windows
after removing adapter. Select Start»Settings»Control Panel»Network, choose
IINWan95 - ISDN Adapter, »Remove.
2. Remove all of the virtual modems associated with ISDN adapter COMports.
Do not reboot Windows. Select Start»Settings»Control Panel»Modem,
3. Remove the ISDN adapter from multifunction adapter. Do not reboot Win-
dows. Select Start»Settings»Control Panel»System»Device Manager»Multi-
function adapters»ISDN PC Adapter, Remove.
4. Run "iinclean.exe" located in installation disk to remove files and system
information from Win95.
5. Reboot the Windows to take effect.
2.6.4 Windows NT Installation Environment
You can install your internal ISDN PC adapter under WindowsNT using either the
standard CAPI interface, or the NDISWAN Miniport adapter. Read the following
steps for details of NDISWAN Miniport setup, Dial-Up Networking, and RAS
applications in Windows NT 4.0 and Windows NT 3.51.
Once youve inserted the ISDN card into the available slot and turn on your com-
puter, your computer should boot into Windows NT. Follow the instructions below
for ISDN driver installation:
1. Click the Network Icon in the Control-Panel and Adapters tab.