46-IWay Hopper
details for your ISP. Click Next > and select IINWANNT and click Next
>. Enter the phone number of ISP and click Next. Click Finish. You
will get a window like below.
Figure 2-32. Configure Dial-Up Networking
2. To configure server settings or dialing properties, click on the More button
and select the item you want to change from the pull down list. Click Dial
to make a connection with server over ISDN. To compare with Windows95
Dial-Up Networking, these parameters (phone number, dial using port, server
type, and security) are located in the item Edit entry and modem properties..
when click on the More button. In the Security sub-window, check that
you have enabled Accept any authentication including clear text.
3. If you want to use Multilink PPP connection (128Kbps), follow these steps:
a. Click the More button and select the item Edit entry and modem properties.
b. Under the Basic tab, set Dial using: to Multiple Lines.