
Note: For DMS-100 switches, any ASCII character except the
underline (_) character is valid. For NI-1 and AT&T switches,
only the digits 0-9 are valid.
Voice SPID________________________________________
The voice SPID is assigned by the local phone company and is
for the specific BRI line to which the ProxyServer will be at-
tached. The voice SPID string can have up to 20 characters.
The data SPID is not used if the switch type is set to NET3.
Note: For DMS-100 switches, any ASCII character except the
underline (_) character is valid. For NI-1 and AT&T switches,
only the digits 0-9 are valid.
Data Directory Number______________________________
The data Directory Number (DN) is a telephone number that is
assigned to the ProxyServer at subscription time by the ISDN
service provider. The DN is a string of up to 24 characters;
valid characters are 0-9, the * character, and the # character.
Voice Directory Number______________________________
The voice Directory Number (DN) is a telephone number that is
assigned to the ProxyServer at subscription time by the ISDN
service provider. The DN is a string of up to 24 characters;
valid characters are 0-9, the * character, and the # character.
Call Control Parameters
Persistent DTR Dialing______________________________
A high DTR (Data Terminal Ready) signal on the Command port
indicates that your computer or terminal is ready to communi-
cate with your ProxyServer. DTR normally goes high when a
communication program starts or is ready to dial. Persistent
DTR dialing enables the ProxyServer to automatically redial the
number stored in memory location 0 whenever DTR is high and
the serial port does not have an active call. You may enable or
disable this feature.
Calling Line Identification___________________________
Identifies whether the two endpoints of a connection are en-
abled or disabled. Since RING messages only appear for
ISDN data calls, the CLI feature does not define a means of