2. Connect composite link cable
between mux and modem.
Composite link and all 1. Mux memory failure 1. Enter ATL and record all channel
channels down with parameters before running memory
RD and all channel test. Perform memory test by entering
RCV LEDs ON &T2 command. All stored
parameters will be destroyed.
2. Reconfigure all channel parameters.
3. Call Tech Support for assistance,
refer to Chapter 8.
Flashing RXT LED 1. High error rate on 1. View composite link statistics using
communication line #S command, refer to Chapter 5.
Table 7-1. Data Troubleshooting Guide(Continued)
Condition Possible Cause Corrective Action
Flashing RXT LED 1. High error rate on 2. Perform local and remote loopback (Continued)
communication line test, refer to the Local and
Communications Line Testing in this
3. Call phone company and verify
communication line.
4. Call Tech Support for assistance,
refer to Chapter 8.
All channel devices not 1. Incorrect channel 1. Verify channel parameter settings for communicating with
parameter settings all channels, refer to Chapter 5 for the mux, composite link up C0
with CO, CTS, XMT and
RCV LEDs ON and 2. Change channel parameters to match
RD OFF channel devices. Refer to Chapter 5
for Channel Paramater Commands.
3. Perform channel device testing, refer
to Channel Device Testing in this Chapter.
4. Call Tech Support for assistance,
refer to Chapter 8.
2.Channel devices 1. Refer to cabling diagrams of both mux incorrectly
cabled and channel devices.
2. Call Tech Support for assistance,
refer to Chapter 8.
Some channel devices 1. Incorrect channel 1. Verify channel parameter settings for
not communicating parameter settings for those channel devices, refer to Lx
with MultiMux and for those channel devices command in Chapter 5 to display
composite link up channel parameters.
2. Perform channel device testing, refer
to Channel Device Testing in this Chapter.
3. Call Tech Support for assistance,
refer to Chapter 8.
Table 7-1. Data Troubleshooting Guide(Continued)
Condition Possible Cause Corrective Action
Some channel devices 2. Incorrect cabling for those 1. Refer to cabling diagrams of both mux
not communicating channel devices and channel devices.
with MultiMux and
composite link up 2. Call Tech Support for assistance,
refer to Chapter 8.
Channel device losing 1. Flow control not properly 1. Verify flow control operations for the
data set. selected channel device, refer to F0-
F2 and F5-F6 commands in Chapter 5.