Mustang inflatable life preservers are items of primary survival equipment, and as such,
every precaution shall be taken to assure proper storage, maintenance, and handling. The
life of the wearer may well depend on the condition of the life preserver and the security
of its attachments and equipment. This publication provides the information required to
inspect, test, and maintain the inflatable life preserver model MD1127. This model has been
approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as Type I Life Preservers according to
the Technical Standard Order TSO-C13f.
Note: The conditions and tests required for TSO approval of these articles are minimum
performance standards. It is the responsibility of those desiring to install the articles either
on, or within, a specific type or class of aircraft to determine that the aircraft installation
conditions are within the TSO standards; the articles may be installed only if further
evaluation by the applicant documents an acceptable installation, and is approved by the
All correspondence concerning this manual shall be directed to:
Mustang Survival Corp.
7525 Lowland Drive
Burnaby, B.C.
V5J 5L1, Canada
Toll Free: 1-800-526-0532
Email: custserv@mustangsurvival.com
A. General
Mustang Survival is pleased to present an FAA approved inflatable life preserver, the
MD1127. This product is designed with sufficient buoyancy to turn an unconscious
person face upwards within five seconds of immersion. Fully inflated, the life preservers
provides a minimum effective buoyant force of 35 lbs. The MD1127 is universal in
size and is designed to fit most adults comfortably. This can be worn over bulky
outer clothing, and has adjustable nylon waist belts which secure an easy-to-wear
position allowing for maximum freedom of movement. Each life preserver is equipped
with a small rescue light, which is water activated and may be used as a beacon for
emergency rescue situations.
The life preserver is inflated by using a carbon dioxide gas inflation system. It is a
common characteristic that all inflatable life preservers will gradually permeate CO2
gas through their cell material with time, and a softening of the cell will be observed
over extended periods. In the MD1127 this is over come by providing an oral inflation
system to top up the pressure in the cell. The oral inflation system may also provide
added pressure to the cell in cold temperature conditions, since under these conditions
the CO2 gas will not expand as greatly as in warmer temperatures. Finally, in the event
that the CO2 inflation system fails to operate, the oral inflation system may be used as
a backup system to fully inflate the life preserver.
Figure 1: MD1127
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