SHUNT button, labeled “S”, and
enter your code. The yellow
SHUNT light and the
MEMORY light will come on. The
green light will be out. All zones
programmed by your alarm spe-
cialist to respond to manual
shunting will be shunted (even if
some are not in “trouble”).
Leave quickly when the red
ARMED/MEMORY light goes on.
Be sure to have all zones in
“trouble” repaired as soon as
When you enter through the
exit/entry door, the entry delay
Mini-Sounder will come on.
Check the red ARMED/
MEMORY light. If it is flashing,
an alarm occurred while you were
gone. Disarm the system with
your code from the keypad to
silence the sounder. NOTE: If
your system has a digital com-
municator, there may be a delay
while it is reporting an alarm
before your system disarms.
light was flashing before you
disarmed, it will go out briefly
then begin to flash a number of
pulses identifying the zone(s)
that had an alarm. Write down
the number of times the alarm
memory lamp flashes, so you will
have a record of which zone(s)
need attention. You may then
arm and disarm to cancel the
flashing alarm memory. If a zone
is still in alarm condition, you
will hear the Mini-Sounder for
three seconds. The red ARMED/
MEMORY light will go out. The
green STATUS light may start
flashing if zones are still in
“trouble” from the alarm.
If there was an alarm and the
red ARMED/MEMORY light did
not flash, the alarm was a 24 hour
zone (see your Alarm Plan). The
cause of the alarm will have to be
removed before you can clear
the alarm signal.