Your Magnum
Security System has three basic components:
1. Zones
Your system is capable of
monitoring up to six separate areas
of your premises, including Am-
bush/Panic and Auxiliary zones.
Each zone is an independent cir-
cuit that protects a specific area of
your premises. For example: your
alarm specialist may have set aside
a zone for window protection, exit/
entry delay, interior space protec-
tion, safe and valuables protection
or emergencies. Each zone can be
“programmed’ to react in aspecific
manner. Check and be certain that
you know what each zone protects.
2. The
Lets you program arm/disarm
codes; arm and disarm the system;
check the condition(status) of each
zone; temporarily bypass (shunt)
individual (or group of) zones; send
an ambush alarm; cancel exit/entry
delay; test the battery and alarm
devices; reset the AC-failure indica-
tion; and bypass a
Bypass Zone.
Three lights and a Mini-Sounder
on the Digit-Key keypad monitor
the system.
3. The Alarm Output
When any zone is activated, the
Control Center responds by sound-
ing an audible alarm and/or alerting
a central station (optional). Your
alarm specialist has programmed
your system to react in a specific
manner to each type of emergency.
Be sure you understand how your
system responds to these emer-