Security Bypass/Unbypass
(Security Bypass programmed? YES NO). In high-security applications, zones may be
bypassed (or unbypassed) only if a valid code is entered first, as follows:
1. Enter a User Code valid for bypass, then press B. "BYPASS" will display.
2. Press B then the zone number (or vice versa) to deactivate that zone.
Similarly, a bypassed zone may be unbypassed using the same procedure.
(This feature
available for GEM-P3200/9600 panels only).
Start Exit Time After Ringback
(For Commercial Burglary Systems only) (Optional - Start Exit Time programmed?
If your system reports to a central station, your panel may have been programmed to start exit delay after the central-station
ringback (verification) signal. Then, after arming, your system will communicate to the central station. After the central station
acknowledges receipt (ringback), exit delay will start. If ringback is not heard within about 30 seconds, a communication
problem may exist; call for service. The Start Exit Time function may then be used to manually start the exit delay, however
reporting capability may be sacrificed. (If your system does not report or the ringback feature was not programmed, exit delay
will start as soon as your code is entered. Also note that if an exception window is programmed, and the closing is within that
window, no ringback is provided. Ask your alarm professional if this feature is enabled).
Exit-Delay Restart
(Exit-Delay Restart programmed? YES NO).
On arming, the programmed exit delay will start. After the exit door has been opened and then closed, exit delay will change
to 60 seconds. Thus, a long exit delay may be programmed, which will immediately be reduced to 60 seconds upon exiting.
If re-entry occurs during that 60 seconds, exit delay will restart once again (and only once again) at 60 seconds. If so
programmed, re-entry within 60 seconds after exit delay has expired will cause the alarm to sound a 2-second warning (in
addition to the entry sounder) to remind the user to disarm.