© National Instruments Corporation 19 Embedded Module for Blackfin Processors
C code for synchronization and data transfer. You must place a
checkmark in the Enable lwIP TCP/IP support checkbox on the
Advanced tab before you can select the TCP port debug option.
Note You must connect the Blackfin target to the host computer with an Ethernet cable to
use lwIP TCP/IP support.
• Non-instrumented debugging using a JTAG/EZ-KIT USB
connection—Single-stepping and probes are slower than
instrumented debugging, but using JTAG or USB does not require
a network connection.
Note You must still connect the Blackfin target to the host computer using a JTAG or USB
connection to download a Blackfin application to a Blackfin target, run the application on
the Blackfin target, reset the processor, and so on, even if you use a serial port or TCP port
for debugging.
This tutorial uses the non-instrumented debug mode as shown in
Figure 13, but you can select any debug mode.
Figure 13. Configuring the Build Options