© National Instruments Corporation D-1 PC-OPDIO-16 User Manual
Appendix D
Status Codes
This appendix lists the status codes returned by NI-DAQ, including the name and description.
Each NI-DAQ function returns a status code that indicates whether the function was performed successfully. When
an NI-DAQ function returns a code that is a negative number, it means that the function did not execute. When a
positive status code is returned, it means that the function did execute, but with a potentially serious side effect. A
summary of the status codes is listed in Table D-1.
Note: All status codes and descriptions are also listed in the Help menu in WDAQCONF.
Table D-1. Status Code Summary
Status Code Status Name Description
26 gpctrDataLossWarning One or more data points may have been lost in course of
buffered GPCTR operation.
25 switchlessBoardWarning NI-DAQ found one or more unexpected switchless or Plug and
Play boards in your computer.
24 dmaConflict DMA channel assigned to this board conflicts with DMA
channel of other driver or board.
23 irqConflict IRQ level assigned to this board conflicts with irq level of other
driver or board.
22 calConstPolarityConflict MIO-16X and MIO-64F-5 only; Cal constants in load area have
different polarity than current configuration. Therefore,
constants from factory area for current polarity will be used.
21 logicalDeviceWarning The device number is actually a logical device (SCXI module),
not a plug-in data acquisition board.
20 messageIntervalTooLong A message was configured to be sent after N scans but the
length of this acquisition is less than N.
19 SCXIConfigWarning Module config conflicts with user config; driver has
compensated by overriding module config.
18 inputModeConflict MIO-16 and 64F-5 only; at least one analog input channel
configured to be nonreferenced single-ended (NRSE) and
AISENSE is driven to board ground.
17 notEnoughExtMem The system may not have sufficient extended memory for the
acquisition buffer.
16 SCXImoduleTypeConflict The module ID read from the SCXI module conflicts with that
already configured.
15 DMAReprogramming The given buffer requires DMA reprogramming at run time.
13 pageBreakinWFbuf A DMA page break is found in the waveform buffer.
12 overWriteBeforeCopy Data has been overwritten before the copy operation was started.
11 simulOpAcrossChips A CTR_Simul_Op call is made on counters that are not on the
same Am9513 chip.
10 inOnSomeOutLines An in port call is made on a port which has some output lines.
9 outOnSomeInLines An out port call is made on a port which has some input lines.