User’s manual NAVIGON 12xx | 22xx
Navigation - 29 -
► Tap on Cancel in order to close the DESTINATION INFO window
► Tap on (Map) in order to see the destination on the map.
5.2.5 Last Destinations
NAVIGON 12xx | 22xx saves the last 12 destinations to which you
have navigated in the L
1. In the N
AVIGATION window, tap on My Destinations > Last
2. Tap on the destination to which you would like to navigate.
3. Tap on Start Navigation
The map opens in Preview mode. The destination is indicated on
the map.
For detailed information on how to start navigation, please refer to
chapter "
Starting navigation" on page 30. Please read on there.
5.2.6 Favourites
Destinations to which you want to travel often can be saved in the
In the F
AVOURITES list you can save up to 500 destinations.
Information on how to save a destination can be found in chapter
Saving destinations" on page 32.
1. In the NAVIGATION window, tap on My Destinations > Favourites.
2. Tap on the destination to which you would like to navigate.
3. Tap on Start Navigation
The map opens in Preview mode. The destination is indicated on
the map.
For detailed information on how to start navigation, please refer to
chapter "
Starting navigation" on page 30. Please read on there.
Note: Favourites are indicated on the map by a small flag with their
name. At Options
> Settings > Map Display > Categories Shown you
can switch on and off the display function for favourites.
5.2.7 Navigating home
In NAVIGON 12xx | 22xx you can save an address as your home
address. You can navigate to your home address at any time by
pressing a single button.