User’s manual NAVIGON 13xx | 23xx
Navigation - 57 -
► Tap on the (Traffic Information) button.
The P
REVIEW TMC window opens. It shows a map view with the
route section affected by the message. If the reported obstruction is
likely to involve a considerable loss of time, a possible detour will
also be shown.
► Tap on the button of the route you want to follow.
- or -
► Tap on the Details button.
The T
RAFFIC INFORMATION window opens. (Refer to "Displaying
traffic information" on page 57.)
Note: If you tap on a traffic symbol (in the display:
) in the map view
of the P
REVIEW TMC, a window with detailed information about this
message will open. (Refer to "Showing a single message in detail" on
page 59.)
Displaying traffic information
Current traffic information is available via the options button in many
► Tap in the NAVIGATION window on Options > Traffic.
The T
You can use the
(Up) and (Down) buttons to scroll in the list of
► Tap on (Back) in order to close the TRAFFIC INFORMATION
window again.