NAVIGON Lifetime Traffic (NAVIGON 2200T only)
The NAVIGON Lifetime Traffic Window
86 NAVIGON 2000S | 2200T Series User’s Guide December 2008
NAVIGON, INC. Version 1.1
The NAVIGON Lifetime Traffic Window
Types of Messages
All traffic information Information on all traffic events (severe and mod-
erate traffic jams and obstructions) and weather
warnings received in the area, based on TMC
antenna reception.
On route Information on all traffic events (severe and mod-
erate traffic jams and obstructions) and weather
warnings occurring along the route.
Not on route: all Information on all traffic events (severe and mod-
erate traffic jams and obstructions) and weather
warnings not occurring on the route, based on
TMC antenna reception.
Not on route: traffic jams Information on severe traffic events (traffic jams)
not occurring on the route, based on TMC antenna
Not on route: obstructions Information on moderate traffic events (obstruc-
tions) not occurring on the route, based on TMC
antenna reception.
ot on route: weather warnings Information on weather warnings not occurring on
the route, based on TMC antenna reception.
Specify the type of traffic messages to display
1. Tap
Options > Traffic.