User’s Manual NAVIGON 2100 | 2110 max
Navigation - 21 -
Impaired GPS reception
If GPS reception is impaired, navigation will be interrupted. The
navigation application remains in the foreground.
As soon as GPS reception is restored, the navigation system calculates
any change of position which has occurred in the meantime. You can
then simply continue navigation.
Arriving at your destination
When you have reached your selected destination, a message to this
effect will be displayed.
Only your current position (orange arrow) will now be shown on the
6.1 Starting the navigation application
You have switched on the navigation device and, if necessary, entered
the password. The S
TART window is open.
1. Tap on Navigation
The navigation application will be started. When you start the
navigation application for the first time, the following message will
"Please note that the road traffic regulations are prior to the
instructions of the navigation system. Please do not operate the
device while driving."
2. After you have read and fully understood the message, tap on OK
If you do not accept the content of the message, tap on Cancel
order to close the navigation application.
The N
AVIGATION window is opened. From here you can access all
the functions of the navigation application.
► Tap on (Back) in order to move the START window back
into the foreground.
Initialising the GPS receiver
As soon as the navigation device has been switched on, initialisation of
the GPS receiver will begin.
The integrated GPS receiver is not initialised for the first time until the
navigation application is started for the first time. It can take up to
20 minutes to initialise the GPS receiver for the first time.
Note: If the GPS
icon indicates GPS Ready after far less than
20 minutes, it is advisable to leave the navigation device switched on
for at least another 15 minutes in order to ensure reliable operation of
the receiver.