User’s Manual NAVIGON 21xx max
Navigation - 33 -
6.3 Managing destinations
Every destination you enter and destinations from the LAST
DESTINATIONS and CONTACTS lists can be saved in the FAVOURITES list.
This makes sense if you frequently navigate to a particular destination.
6.3.1 Saving destinations
1. Enter a destination. (Refer to "Entering an address" on page 24 or
to "Points of interest" on page 25). Do not tap on the Start
Navigation button!
2. Tap on Options
> Save Destination.
- OR –
1. Select a destination from the L
AST DESTINATIONS list or from the
ONTACTS list. (Refer to "Last Destinations" on page 29 or to
"Contacts" on page 30). Do not tap the Start Navigation
2. Tap on Options
> Save as Favourite.
3. Enter a name for the destination.
4. Tap on Save
6.3.2 Defining a destination as home address
One destination from the FAVOURITES list can be defined as your home
You can then always start navigation to this destination very quickly by
tapping in the N
AVIGATION window on Take Me Home.
1. Select the destination which you want to define as your home
address from the F
AVOURITES list. (Refer to "Favourites” page 29)
2. Tap on Options
> Home Address.
The selected destination has now been saved as your home address.
Your home address now appears in the F
AVOURITES list marked by a
house symbol.
6.4 Multi-leg routes
It is possible to plan routes without GPS reception, for example in the
comfort of your home. Planned routes can be saved for later use. This
allows you to plan as many routes as you like, for example for your
1. In the N
AVIGATION window, tap on Options.
The options list opens.
2. Tap on the Route Planning