Getting Started
Optional Accessory Services
December 2008 NAVIGON 2000S | 2200T Series User’s Guide 13
Version 1.1 NAVIGON, INC.
Optional Accessory Services
These optional accessory services are available for your NAVIGON device:
• ZAGAT Survey Ratings and Reviews Points of Interest (POIs).
• NAVIGON FreshMaps (standard with some models)
Optional services are purchased separately.
Activate Accessory Services
Activating ZAGAT POI Accessory
At a retail outlet where NAVIGON devices are sold:
1. Purchase an accessory .
2. On the Accessory is the 15 character activation key, three blocks of five charac-
ters separated by hyphens. This key is used to obtain a device unlock code.
3. Switch on the device by pressing and releasing the (On/Standby/Off) button.
The M
AIN WINDOW displays.
4. Tap Options > Service Activation.
The P
RODUCT ID WINDOW displays the 15 character product ID.
5. Record the product ID for the next step.
On a computer with internet access:
6. Go to
7. On the H
OME PAGE, select the Registration and Activation tab.
8. Select Register Your NAVIGON Device and prov
ide the requested information.
9. When finished, select Activate Your Service Accessory.
The website requests your e-mail address, NAVIGON device product ID, and the
Accessory activation key.