User’s manual NAVIGON 3100 | 3110
Navigation - 15 -
Note: In quick access mode, there are three categories of special
destinations available from the current vicinity, which can be searched
quickly and without additional entry. For detailed information, please
refer to chapter "
Quick Access Points of Interest" on page 17.
1. In the MAIN WINDOW, tap on New Destination >Search for POI >
POI NEARBY window opens.
2. Tap a category from which you would like to select a Point of
If sub-categories exist for the category you have selected, the Sub
Category list will open.
3. Tap a sub-category from which you would like to select a Point of
The Name of the Destination
list opens. It contains the nearest
special destinations in the given category, sorted by distance.
4. Tap on the name of the destination.
5. Tap on the Start Navigation
The map screen opens in Preview mode.
For detailed information on how to start the navigation system, please
refer to chapter "
Starting navigation" on page 19.
Nationwide Points of Interest
Nationwide Points of Interest are airports, places of interest, national
monuments, large ports etc. This enables you to find places of interest
without having to know the name of the location.This enables you to
find places of interest without having to know the name of the location.
1. In the M
AIN WINDOW, tap on New Destination > Search for POI >
2. Tap a category from which you would like to select a Point of
The Name of the Destination
list opens. It contains the nearest
special destinations in the specified category, sorted by distance.
3. Tap on the name of the destination.
4. Tap on the Start Navigation
The map screen opens in Preview mode.