User’s manual NAVIGON 81xx
- 42 - Navigation
6.6.3 Map in Navigation mode
After the route was shown in Preview mode, navigation was started.
The map opens in Navigation mode.
1 Here you can see the signposting which you must follow.
2 Here you can see any speed limits which are in force.
3 The route is highlighted in orange.
4 When two manoeuvres need to be executed in quick succession, the
small arrow box indicates the second manoeuvre to be executed.
5 The large arrow box shows a schematic depiction of the next junction at
which you must make a turn. The distance remaining to this junction is
indicated underneath.
As you get closer to the junction you will see a spot diagram in addition
to the distance:
The nearer you get to the junction, the more yellow spots are displayed.
If you don't have to change direction for a long time, you will see only a
straight arrow. The distance you must continue straight on is indicated
underneath the arrow.
► Tap on the large arrow box to hear current route instructions.
6 Ahead of many junctions the information from 7 and 8 is hidden. Instead
you ar
e shown which lanes lead to your destination.
7 The height above sea level and the current speed are displayed here.
8 The distance remaining to the destination, the estimated duration of the
trip and the estimated time of arrival can be seen in the Total box.